Thursday, April 21, 2011

Deuteronomy 7:17-18, 21 NASB

"If you should say in your heart, 'These nations are greater than I; how can I dispossess them?'  You shall not be afraid of them... You shall not dread them, for the LORD your God is in your midst, a great and awesome God."

With the constant barrage of negative news that comes to us these days, it is easy to have, like an ongoing low grade fever, a fear that may not be debilitating but is depleting us of spiritual life and vitality.  We can worry about wars and rumors of wars.  We  can worry about a struggling economy.  We can worry about  unfavorable politicians.  We can worry about the plagues of our society.  And, if we throw in our own personal problems, the list can go on and on, if we let it.  God is saying, "Don't be afraid of them! "Don't dread them!"  Dear believer, remember "The LORD your God is in your midst, a great and awesome God!"  Know Him!  Look to Him!  He is not shaken by any of these things, but He cares about you.  Remember what Peter wrote? "Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you?"  (I Peter 5:7).  We need to believe this again for this day, for it's still true.  We can rest from our feverish ways, knowing God will bring us through safely. This brings to my mind a poem my grandfather, Hubert Mardock wrote long ago, but still relevant today.  I leave it with you and pray you will take it to heart.

Lone mariner, why do you row?
You are no match for winds that blow,
Nor yet can stem the undertow.
Bravely you have faced the gale,
You've plied the oar and spread the sail,
But hope grows faint, and strength doth fail.

Drop anchor till the storm is past.
For trouble will not always last,
Nor skies be always overcast.
Look up, though trials tempt you sore,
The tide will turn and what is more,
Will land you safely on the shore.

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