"The LORD has sought out for Himself a man after His own heart..."
We've all heard the statement, "He's set in his ways". Such was Saul. If you like sad stories, the story of Saul of the Old Testament is surely the saddest. A man with such potential literally squandered his standing with God. How do you do this? Not easily, I think, but certainly if you go your own way. It started with what some would argue was totally justified. The Philistines had assembled against Israel for war and were"like the sand which is on the seashore in abundance". The Israelites were terrified, hiding and scattering. Samuel was supposed to come to offer the burnt offering before going into battle, but he didn't show up at the appointed time so Saul took things into his own hands, performing what was the priest's alone to do. He offered the burnt offering himself. Pure and simple, this was a clear act of disobedience to the commandment of God. It just goes to show that, no matter how reasonable something sounds, if it doesn't conform to the ways of God, it's wrong. But the ways of God aren't just external "laws". With God, it begins internally. If His way isn't in our heart, as the way we lean, love and live, with all our heart, we will get off track and derail. This was what happened to Saul. There was another way in him which began to cross ways with God's way, finally bringing him to his own destruction. And instead of surrendering his way to the way of God, he got set in his way. Isaiah saw this as a bent in each of us. He wrote, "All of us like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way," (Isaiah 53:6). "But", Isaiah continues, "the LORD has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on Him." It's this "way" in us that Jesus came to confront and realign to the way of God. At any point you find yourself at odds with the way of God, quickly deal with it and set your heart to go His way. This was the gigantic difference between Saul and David. David was not set in his way. When he sinned, he repented with broken heart and sought the way of God, setting his heart on it with all his heart. Saul's repentance was a quick fix but not a deep change. He was set in his way. This is where God began to look for another man, revealing what he looks for in any person, when He said, "The LORD has sought out for Himself a man after His own heart..." What a blessing to have that kind of relationship with Him. I wouldn't want it any other way and I would imagine you wouldn't either. Bless you! He'll meet you there!
We've all heard the statement, "He's set in his ways". Such was Saul. If you like sad stories, the story of Saul of the Old Testament is surely the saddest. A man with such potential literally squandered his standing with God. How do you do this? Not easily, I think, but certainly if you go your own way. It started with what some would argue was totally justified. The Philistines had assembled against Israel for war and were"like the sand which is on the seashore in abundance". The Israelites were terrified, hiding and scattering. Samuel was supposed to come to offer the burnt offering before going into battle, but he didn't show up at the appointed time so Saul took things into his own hands, performing what was the priest's alone to do. He offered the burnt offering himself. Pure and simple, this was a clear act of disobedience to the commandment of God. It just goes to show that, no matter how reasonable something sounds, if it doesn't conform to the ways of God, it's wrong. But the ways of God aren't just external "laws". With God, it begins internally. If His way isn't in our heart, as the way we lean, love and live, with all our heart, we will get off track and derail. This was what happened to Saul. There was another way in him which began to cross ways with God's way, finally bringing him to his own destruction. And instead of surrendering his way to the way of God, he got set in his way. Isaiah saw this as a bent in each of us. He wrote, "All of us like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way," (Isaiah 53:6). "But", Isaiah continues, "the LORD has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on Him." It's this "way" in us that Jesus came to confront and realign to the way of God. At any point you find yourself at odds with the way of God, quickly deal with it and set your heart to go His way. This was the gigantic difference between Saul and David. David was not set in his way. When he sinned, he repented with broken heart and sought the way of God, setting his heart on it with all his heart. Saul's repentance was a quick fix but not a deep change. He was set in his way. This is where God began to look for another man, revealing what he looks for in any person, when He said, "The LORD has sought out for Himself a man after His own heart..." What a blessing to have that kind of relationship with Him. I wouldn't want it any other way and I would imagine you wouldn't either. Bless you! He'll meet you there!
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