I am weary with my sighing; every night I make my bed swim, I dissolve my couch with my tears. My eye has wasted away with grief; it has become old because of all my adversaries. Depart from me, all you who do iniquity, for the LORD has heard the voice of my weeping. The LORD has heard my supplication, the LORD receives my prayer. All my enemies shall be ashamed and greatly dismayed; they shall turn back, they shall suddenly be ashamed.
Have you ever hurt so bad you can't hardly stand it? Not a physical pain, but a pain so deep it affects one physically; where your heart is so broken and your burden so heavy you can't hardly bear it? Whether they be human adversaries or just adversities, David's Psalm speaks your language. No, it's so true, there aren't words sufficient for this kind of pain. Words, even well meaning words, will sometimes drive the pain even deeper because it only serves to remind us of how impossible our pain really is, in that words alone can't begin to touch the overwhelming hurt we feel. But thank God, the Psalmist doesn't come with words alone. He comes with the only One who can bring hope and healing to the awful darkness that engulfs and destroys our sense of well being. David, out of his own darkness, says, "the LORD has heard the voice of my weeping. The LORD has heard my supplication, the LORD receives my prayer." As one who is coming up out of his own abyss, he points us to the hand that reaches down to help us with our own heart wrenching ache. Take His hand! Take His hand! He will surely turn your darkness to light. This Psalmist says, "All my enemies shall be ashamed and greatly dismayed; they shall turn back, they shall suddenly be ashamed". God's ways with us seem to follow this path. When we can bear no more, "suddenly" God moves in ways that turns the relentless enemy of our soul away, and we know it. Light! All of a sudden we're free! Wait for His "suddenly" in your life. O joyous day!
Have you ever hurt so bad you can't hardly stand it? Not a physical pain, but a pain so deep it affects one physically; where your heart is so broken and your burden so heavy you can't hardly bear it? Whether they be human adversaries or just adversities, David's Psalm speaks your language. No, it's so true, there aren't words sufficient for this kind of pain. Words, even well meaning words, will sometimes drive the pain even deeper because it only serves to remind us of how impossible our pain really is, in that words alone can't begin to touch the overwhelming hurt we feel. But thank God, the Psalmist doesn't come with words alone. He comes with the only One who can bring hope and healing to the awful darkness that engulfs and destroys our sense of well being. David, out of his own darkness, says, "the LORD has heard the voice of my weeping. The LORD has heard my supplication, the LORD receives my prayer." As one who is coming up out of his own abyss, he points us to the hand that reaches down to help us with our own heart wrenching ache. Take His hand! Take His hand! He will surely turn your darkness to light. This Psalmist says, "All my enemies shall be ashamed and greatly dismayed; they shall turn back, they shall suddenly be ashamed". God's ways with us seem to follow this path. When we can bear no more, "suddenly" God moves in ways that turns the relentless enemy of our soul away, and we know it. Light! All of a sudden we're free! Wait for His "suddenly" in your life. O joyous day!
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