Verse 3: Trust in the LORD
Verse 4: Delight yourself in the LORD
Verse 5: Commit your way to the LORD
Verse 7a: Rest in the LORD
Verse 7b: Wait patiently for the LORD (also verse 34)
The Psalmist, David, is dealing with an age old problem among God's people; that of fretting over the success of wrongdoers. We look at a world where evil thrives and innocent people suffer, where injustice, unfairness, cheating and corruption hold sway, and we can begin to struggle with a feeling of hopeless, helpless anger. And there is nothing worse than hopelss, helpless anger. It's dangerous stuff because it becomes consumed with that which it cannot change and changed by that which it cannot consume. If not corrected, these hearts will take on a meanness of their own, filling their conversations with a spirit of bemoaning and demeaning. They groan over everything they oppose and they lash out at anyone who opposes. The Psalmist gives us strong warning here. He says, "Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who carries out wicked schemes. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; Do not fret, it leads only to evildoing," (37:7b-8). John Wesley said, "I would as soon swear as fret." He understand what great harm it can bring to our lives. So what are we to do then? Here's where the Psalmist points us in the right direction. He urges us to get our focus off of evil and to fix our eyes on God. Evil will come and go (Read all about it: vs.2, 9a, 13, 15, 17a, 20, 22b, 28b, 34b, 35-36, 38); God will see to that. But God is eternal and His eternal eye is on the righteous (Read all about it: vs.4-6, 9b, 11, 17b-19, 22a, 23-25, 28a, 29-31, 34a, 37, 39-40). They will dwell in the land, and God will see to that! Therefore,
Verse 4: Delight yourself in the LORD
Verse 5: Commit your way to the LORD
Verse 7a: Rest in the LORD
Verse 7b: Wait patiently for the LORD (also verse 34)
The Psalmist, David, is dealing with an age old problem among God's people; that of fretting over the success of wrongdoers. We look at a world where evil thrives and innocent people suffer, where injustice, unfairness, cheating and corruption hold sway, and we can begin to struggle with a feeling of hopeless, helpless anger. And there is nothing worse than hopelss, helpless anger. It's dangerous stuff because it becomes consumed with that which it cannot change and changed by that which it cannot consume. If not corrected, these hearts will take on a meanness of their own, filling their conversations with a spirit of bemoaning and demeaning. They groan over everything they oppose and they lash out at anyone who opposes. The Psalmist gives us strong warning here. He says, "Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who carries out wicked schemes. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; Do not fret, it leads only to evildoing," (37:7b-8). John Wesley said, "I would as soon swear as fret." He understand what great harm it can bring to our lives. So what are we to do then? Here's where the Psalmist points us in the right direction. He urges us to get our focus off of evil and to fix our eyes on God. Evil will come and go (Read all about it: vs.2, 9a, 13, 15, 17a, 20, 22b, 28b, 34b, 35-36, 38); God will see to that. But God is eternal and His eternal eye is on the righteous (Read all about it: vs.4-6, 9b, 11, 17b-19, 22a, 23-25, 28a, 29-31, 34a, 37, 39-40). They will dwell in the land, and God will see to that! Therefore,
Trust in the LORD
Delight yourself in the LORD
Commit your way to the LORD
Commit your way to the LORD
Rest in the LORD
Wait patiently for the LORD
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