Judah and Israel were as numerous as the sand that is on the seashore in abundance; they were eating and drinking and rejoicing.
I like this verse! It speaks to the way things were meant to be; and it was the way things were when the people honored God with all their hearts. Solomon, as the new king of Israel, was ruling with humility and integrity, and the people followed. It was a recipe for joy. The same can happen with a church when the pastor serves with humility and integrity, or with a family where the parents lead with humility and integrity. Have you ever been to a carry-in dinner at such a church? The food is plentiful and the selection delicious; and especially the desserts! But there is something going on that is better than the food. It's called Christian fellowship. There's just nothing comparable to the fellowship of God's people in a place where God is honored. If it's not present, there should be concern. It ought to be a given, that anytime you have Christians gathering together, whether it be a family meal or a time with friends, there should be the sound of rich, wholesome converation and laughter, the sense of genuine appreciation for one another, and the bond of a love the world does not understand. Where this is present, the enjoyment is full and real, having all the markings of God's kingdom on earth, as it is in heaven. I've seen this scene played out over and over again around the world, whether in the land of plenty or the land of poverty. It has nothing to do with the kingdom of this world who measure everything by the material. It has everything to do with the Kingdom of God in the heart where there is love, joy, peace, trust, harmony and hope. This is a different world because God is present; and God is a God full of joy. Therefore, it's no wonder, wherever God's people come together, that there is "eating and drinking and rejoicing." This is His world, and this is the way it was meant to be. When Judah and Israel walked with the LORD, and with each other, in holiness and righteousness, the promises and blessings of God were abundant. As with Israel, the world needs to see the church "eating and drinking and rejoicing". There is no greater testimony than pure, real, unrestrained joy! May God fill your home and your church with this joy! Yes! This is the way God meant it to be. Let's not settle for anything less.
I like this verse! It speaks to the way things were meant to be; and it was the way things were when the people honored God with all their hearts. Solomon, as the new king of Israel, was ruling with humility and integrity, and the people followed. It was a recipe for joy. The same can happen with a church when the pastor serves with humility and integrity, or with a family where the parents lead with humility and integrity. Have you ever been to a carry-in dinner at such a church? The food is plentiful and the selection delicious; and especially the desserts! But there is something going on that is better than the food. It's called Christian fellowship. There's just nothing comparable to the fellowship of God's people in a place where God is honored. If it's not present, there should be concern. It ought to be a given, that anytime you have Christians gathering together, whether it be a family meal or a time with friends, there should be the sound of rich, wholesome converation and laughter, the sense of genuine appreciation for one another, and the bond of a love the world does not understand. Where this is present, the enjoyment is full and real, having all the markings of God's kingdom on earth, as it is in heaven. I've seen this scene played out over and over again around the world, whether in the land of plenty or the land of poverty. It has nothing to do with the kingdom of this world who measure everything by the material. It has everything to do with the Kingdom of God in the heart where there is love, joy, peace, trust, harmony and hope. This is a different world because God is present; and God is a God full of joy. Therefore, it's no wonder, wherever God's people come together, that there is "eating and drinking and rejoicing." This is His world, and this is the way it was meant to be. When Judah and Israel walked with the LORD, and with each other, in holiness and righteousness, the promises and blessings of God were abundant. As with Israel, the world needs to see the church "eating and drinking and rejoicing". There is no greater testimony than pure, real, unrestrained joy! May God fill your home and your church with this joy! Yes! This is the way God meant it to be. Let's not settle for anything less.
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