Friday, July 29, 2011

Psalm 101:1-8 NASB

I will sing of lovingkindness and justice, to You, O LORD, I will sing praises.  I will give heed to the blameless way... I will walk within my house in the integrity of my heart.  I will set no worthless thing before my eyes...  I will know no evil.  Whoever secretly slanders his neighbor, him I will destroy.  No one who has a haughty look and an arrogant heart will I endure.  My eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land... Every morning I will destroy all the wicked of the land...

Not much, if anything, happens in our hearts until there is the "I will".  Though we aren't saved by the will, it certainly makes it possible, for God will not do anything in us outside our will.  Many wish for some kind of experience where their Christian walk will flow out of some involuntary response to God; sort of a "I just can't help it" kind of thinking.  That's nothing but humanism, which says, like animal instinct, "I can't help what I do".  The qualities and character of the Christian life are far too valuable and strong to lower it to that kind of thinking.  In a desperate attempt to try to keep "works" out of the "grace" factor, many have taken it to the dangerous extreme of no works at all, lest somehow they ever cause "works" to trump "grace".  But the scripture bears out the truth that these run together like two rails that make a track, and if we don't ride both rails well we will derail.  The fact is, God will never do in us what we cannot help.  A laziness of the will will destroy us.  Many will continue to languish spiritually for lack of it. Put your will into it my friend!  Begin with the purpose and passion of Psalm 101.  It will take you a long way in the heart and character of vital Christian living:
  • I will sing of lovingkindness and justice, v1a (Will that when you are tempted to question God's presence.  That will put fiber in your faith.)
  • I will sing praises to You, O LORD, v1b (Will that when you are tempted to promote and bring praise to yourself.  That will put character in your humility.)
  • I will give give heed to the blameless way, v2 (Will that when you are tempted to soften your walk.  That will put steel in your backbone)
  • I will set no worthless thing before my eyes, v3 (Will that when you are tempted to watch stuff you shouldn't watch.  That will put power in your Christian walk.)
  • I will know no evil, v4b (Will that when you are tempted to love the world.  That will put strength in your loyalty)
  • I will destroy (silence) anyone who secretly slanders his neighbor, v5a (Will that when you are tempted to harm someone with your talk.  That will put vitality in your testimony.)
  • I will not endure a haughty look and arrogant heart, v5b (Will that when you are tempted to join in the worship of self-importance.  That will put muscle in your talk.)
  • I will put my eyes on the faithful of the land, v6 (Will that when you are tempted to exalt power and popularity.  That will put glasses on your shortsightedness.)
  • I will destroy (silence) the wicked of the land every morning, v8 (Will that when you are tempted to embrace the lower thinking of the world.  That will put clarity in your thinking.) 
Don't put this off for later.  Don't throw this into the never, never land of "some day".  Start now!  It's your life, for faith without works is dead.  Today is the day of salvation!

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